Fishers Construction Update – Week of July 1
Here’s a super condensed version of everything going on this week.
State Road 37 Improvement Project:
- Pre-construction at SR 37 & 141st Street is causing changes in traffic configuration.
- More information and sign up for text updates on the website.
Nickel Plate Trail:
- Remaining paving work from 96th Street to 106th Street is underway.
- More information on the Capital Project Dashboard website.
Projects North of 116th Street:
- Daily lane closures on Cumberland Road due to sanitary and water line work.
- Phase 2A traffic restrictions at 146th Street & Allisonville Road.
- Additional information on the Hamilton County website.
Projects South of 116th Street:
- Sanitary sewer project at 106th Street & Allisonville Road.
- Prep work for roundabout construction at 106th Street & Hoosier Road.
- New concrete median construction at 106th Street & Kincaid Drive.
- Lift station mobilization at Fall Creek Road.
Geist Greenway:
- Paving work continues.
- More information is on the Play Fishers website under Geist Greenway.
Fishers White River Park Survey:
- Seeking public input on new park and trail network.
- Feedback can be submitted at and until July 31.
- Open House event on August 24 for Fishers Greenways & Trails.