Fishers Police Arrest “The Calculator Man”


Press report provided by the City of Fishers:

(Fishers, Indiana) – A man, believed to have stolen goods valued at $90,000 from numerous Target stores nationwide, has been apprehended by Fishers Police.

On the day of Sunday, January 28, 2024, a theft report at Target (11750 Commercial Dr, Fishers, IN 46038) prompted the arrival of Fishers Police. The store’s Asset Protection team notified the dispatch about the theft incident, indicating that the suspect had fled the scene. They provided a description of the suspect and his vehicle. In a matter of minutes, our officers intercepted the suspect, known as Frank Covington.

During the arrest, officers discovered a tool typically used to deactivate store anti-theft devices in Covington’s possession. A subsequent search of Covington’s rented vehicle revealed:

  • 25 Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus calculators
  • 1 Texas Instrument TI-Nspire CX 2 calculator

Target’s Asset Protection Team has identified Covington as a suspect in a series of theft cases at various Target locations across the country, with the total estimated value of stolen goods being $90,000. Covington was found to have ten active warrants issued from multiple states, with charges ranging from burglary to theft and shoplifting.

An arrest is simply an allegation. The accused is considered innocent until proven guilty. For additional information regarding this case, please contact the Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

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