Money Snacks. A New Fishers Digest Series 💵

Local advice on how to earn, spend, and invest money is hard to find.

Many cultural barriers exist for talking about money, yet it can be therapeutic to do so.

Money Snacks is the crossroads of those two ideas.

If things work out how I envision, Money Snacks will become a cool series highlighting more things like cool high-paying jobs, businesses and how they’re run, and maybe even some of my own underbaked $ ideas.

And if not, we’ll shelve it 🤷‍♂️

Money Snacks – People Stories

In an effort to share real personal finance insights through transparency (and have some fun), I’m launching a new series called Money Snacks People Stories.

It will showcase how real people in Hamilton County approach money. It’s an anonymous way for you to share your money experiences and insights with our community.

Our 18-question Money Snacks survey take about 10 minutes to complete.

Every question is awesome, but some I think will really get submitters and readers excited. Like your #1 thing to spend money on. Or your best local hack.

A few notes:

  • Information: DO NOT share personal identifiable information! Don’t be dumb. This will be published.
  • Optional: All questions are optional. Share what works for you.
  • Selection: I’m betting readers will like actionable personal finance insights from a range of income levels. I will choose which submissions to publish based on these factors.
  • Editing: Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or formatting. I’ll edit all submissions for length and clarity.
  • Questions: Shoot me an email at [email protected]

–> Share your story: Here is the Money Snacks survey.