Cheat code for great food
I have a secret. But before I tell you, I need to ask you a question:
Do you celebrate occasions in your household?
- Your wedding anniversary, wife’s birthday, graduation dinner, father’s day, mother’s day, valentine’s day. You get the point.
If not, then my secret isn’t for you.
If you do, I imagine going to a restaurant is a consideration. I also bet HC Tavern is a contender. And if it isn’t, it should be. Their Lobster Escargot is to die for. Just ask Barbie.
It’s time I tell you my secret. Whenever I go to a Huse Culinary restaurant, I always get 20% off. Because I always stock up on their limited time 20% bonus gift cards. This is your once a year chance to pre-buy your family’s festivities and save some dough. Because I promise you, the next time you go, you’ll have wished you had.