2024 Fishers Neighborhood Grants
Is your neighborhood on this cycle’s list? The first neighborhood grant cycle of the year featured a record-high of 37 applicants and $399,638.40 in funding awarded to 28 neighborhoods. The City of Fishers plans on providing $750,000 in grant money in 2024. So if your neighborhood isn’t on this list, submit applications for the next grant cycle by April 30 at FishersIN.gov/Grants.
Here’s the first-round list:
- Allison Place ($2,600) to repair and replace entrance walls.
- Anchorage ($22,840) to install lighting due to lack of sidewalks and install native plant species.
- Ashwood ($6,252.40) to enhance the entrance landscaping.
- Belmont Place ($3,000) to repair and replace the entrance monument sign.
- Berkley Ridge ($25,000) to replace an entrance sign and add new lighting and landscaping.
- Bridgewater at Geist ($23,012) to install and enhance the entry way landscaping.
- Britton Falls ($20,061) to beautify the Thorpe Creek pathway, including lawns to natural areas, and the installation of trees.
- Britton Ridge ($25,000) to install erosion control along the north shore of the retention pond.
- Cherry Hills Farms ($17,218) to replace two pond aerators from 2004.
- Conner Creek ($23,430) to enhance amenities at the community pool area including fencing, lighting and landscaping.
- Courtyard Lakes ($9,000) to replace shadowbox fencing from 1997 along the western property line.
- Geist Overlook ($5,872) to install landscaping and lighting at the entrance.
- Hanover on the Green ($21,800) to remove groundcover and replace with sod.
- Harrison Lakes ($12,037) to remove and replace entrance landscaping and trees at the pond.
- High Point Ridge ($6,600) to replace the public safety gate with bollards.
- Lantern Ridge ($7,809.64) to install landscaping and lighting at the entrance.
- Muir Woods ($9,440) to remove and replace non-native species with native species, including pear trees.
- Overlook at Beaver Ridge ($18,380) to remove dead trees and make an entrance sign, add new landscaping and make sidewalk improvements.
- Princeton Woods ($25,000) to install native landscaping within the landscape islands.
- Sand Creek Woods ($25,000) to separate the irrigation system for the adjoining apartment complex, tuckpoint the entrance sign, and replace the path lights.
- Stevenson Mill ($6,650.60) to make landscape improvements at the neighborhood entrance along Allisonville Road.
- Tanglewood ($25,000) to install a new playground for 5 – 12-year-olds and replace playground border, mulch, benches and tables.
- The Haven ($25,000) to renovate landscaping and irrigation at the front entrance.
- Timberstone ($1,519.16) to enhance entrance and pond landscaping.
- Villages at Geist ($11,865.60) to repair and replace the entrance sign with limestone.
- Waterford Gardens ($5,505) to improve the entrance by removing a tree trunk and tree leaning on a wall, install a rock garden and reslope yards.
- Weaver Woods ($7,435) to repair and replace walking paths.
- Wintercove ($7,311) to install a fountain at the retention pond along Easy Street.